
Nobilis Part 3

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Literature Text

The_GM: You guys are chilling in the acid house when dan comes barelling down a corridor and stops dead infront of you
***Schrodingers_Cat is still asleep
Dan: Yo my particales what up, i got awesome news! Also bad news!
Balan: "Bad news first!  That way the good news gets revenge!"
Dan: You all have to appear before the locust court
Pinkie_pie: oooh
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((The good news is I have coffie))
Pinkie_pie: and the good news?
In_West_Fillydelphia is now known as BD_RE
The_GM: Dan: There considering making a equestria, there is an official debate scheduled ohhhh, RIGHT NOW!
Pinkie_pie: oooh!
Melodyyy: Oh I watch that show
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Get in the CHOPPA))
***Schrodingers_Cat is still asleep but wakes up at the same time.
Melodyyy: So does that include all the characters as well?
***Pinkie_pie is there!
***Balan hastily floats towards what should be the exit
Schrodingers_Cat: "Sup"
***Pinkie_pie beats the rest of the party with aspect 4 then :p
***Melodyyy moseys on out
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Let the commentation begin))
The_GM: You enter the locust court at the high seats are seated anada, surolam, lord enthrohpy, and an attractive man in an impeccable suit with six wings and a halo
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Judge bigman presiding))
Pinkie_pie: ooh nice suit!
Surolam- "Your late, shall we begin?"
***Schrodingers_Cat "Sure why not!"
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Not surloin?))
Balan: "By all means, your honors."
The_GM: There is a jury of six angels and six devils to the side as well
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((That can't go wrong, with both sides hating eachother))
Pinkie_pie: Let's get this party started
Lord Enthropy- "Now then, you may introduce yourselves before the court"
Melodyyy: Pinkie, Its a court date, not a party
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Lord Dickhead presiding))
Melodyyy: I hope you dont mind my music
Pinkie_pie: is there really a difference?
Melodyyy: I shall try to keep it classy
Pinkie_pie: Well I am Pinkie Pie Dutchess of Party!
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((That one guy who won't leave you alone!))
Melodyyy: I am Melody. Noble of Music
The_GM: The man in the suit snickers
Balan: "I am Balan, Baron of Retribution.  Something funny, Lord... Lucifer, I presume?"
Schrodingers_Cat: "Good evening the worm lord your honour! ... I mean Lord Enthropy, I'm the prince of quantum mechanics and I follow a lot of laws, except the law of relativity!"
Lucifer "Nothing at all balan"
BD-RE: "I am the human representative of BD-RE, AKA 'master copy, Noble of RW optical media."
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Not HAL?))
Surolam- "Thank you all for your presence, we are here now to debate the inclusion of new fruit for the world tree. are you all aware of what this will entail?"
Pinkie_pie: I'm not!
Melodyyy: Not at all
***Schrodingers_Cat =3
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Only mass chaos and world upheavil, I'm sure))
Surolam- The giant praying mantis nods her dog head and speaks "To create a new world requires imperators to grant the world substance, that means that existing imperators will have to give up pieces of there own souls to grant the new imperators estates."
Surolam- "Do you understand the gravity of your request?"
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Who cares about the sorry fucks))
Melodyyy: No, I dont understand gravity
Schrodingers_Cat: "Fuck Gravity"
Pinkie_pie: I understand gravity! stuff falls!
BD-RE: "What constitutes a piece of my soul?"
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((I'll do it for you *SMACK*))
Melodyyy: We aren't imperators, we dont have to give up our soul BD-RE
Lord Enthropy- "I don't see why we are even entertaining this farce."
Pinkie_pie: He has a soul?
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((To watch you fuck up, dickhead))
Lucifer snickers again
BD-RE: "Watch, on this laptop. I will show you" plays mlp FiM
Melodyyy: I love this bit
Pinkie_pie: "ooh I love this show" Pinkie pie sits attentively
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Watch this show for little girls!))
Melodyyy: Its the sonic rainboom
Schrodingers_Cat: Quantum Consciousness?
Surolam- "You may present your evidence when we begin, please stop."
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((I can see myself, what the hell))
***BD-RE stops
Balan: "Though your souls are required, they certainly would not be wasted.  We understand what is required for a new world."
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((I still think he should be named Lord Surloin, god of STEAK))

The_GM: Surolam- "Now to argue the opposition Alastor has provided his own familia." surolam looks at one of the devils
Pinkie_pie: Do we have to convince them?
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Get out of the PCs way, you stupid, stupid idiot))
Surolam- "You must convince the jury."
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((And not you. Your not that important))
Surolam- "Now then, alastors nobles you may enter and introduce yourselves."
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Moron 1, moron 2 and moron numbers I don't care about))
***Pinkie_pie shakes hoofs with each as they enter

The_GM: The first to enter is....ALBERT EINSTEIN! he walks up and takes a seat at the other table "Hello i am albert einstein, prince of gravity."
Schrodingers_Cat: "Ballocks!"
Pinkie_pie: oooh you have funny hair!
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Black holes. That is all))

The_GM: A black man with shades and a sax enters "I'm steve prince of jazz."
Schrodingers_Cat: ((Hahahah!))
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Bagpipes are better :Colbert: Wait. STEVE??))
The_GM: steve takes his seat at the table
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((He's getting deader))

The_GM: A small lady enters no more than two feet tall carrying a book larger than herself with huge glasses "I'm miriam webster, duchess of books." she hops into a chair and her head doesn't reach above the table
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Go back to Dnd, medibot))
Pinkie_pie: oooh a book lady! I hope you get along with our music lady!
Balan: ((And I thought our team was strange.))
The_GM: A dude in an old shirt and pants enters "Um hey, I'm zane marquis of mercy." he sits at the table
BD-RE: "What an inefficient and archaic storage medium"
Schrodingers_Cat: "Books are cool"
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Fuck your books, I have internet))
Miriam webster- glares at BD-RE "BOOKS!"
Pinkie_pie: don't be rude BD-RE. One of my best friends loves book!
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((God she loves books))
Schrodingers_Cat: "You have friends?" =3
Pinkie_pie: yes
Melodyyy: Miriam, You like books? If equestria was bought into reality then Twilight Sparkle would be real, God she loves books
The_GM: Miriam- "God i love books too!"
Melodyyy: You would get along GREAT
BD-RE: "I've stored more information in a pile of lint than in any of the tomes of the earthly world. Had to put my porn somewhere safe"

The_GM: Finally the last noble enters a green pony with a pink mane she's drawn in a different art style from pinkie, upon seeing pinkie she runs up to the pink pony and knocks her over
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Satan? No....Minty!))
Balan: "Oh dear."
Schrodingers_Cat: "Oh not another pony"
Pinkie_pie: Yay! another pony!
***Pinkie_pie skips over to her!
Pinkie_pie: Hi I'm Pinkie Pie!
Schrodingers_Cat: "That pony is 50% the devil, I'm sure of it. No offense mr devil"
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((And 50% great and powerfull))
Pinkie_pie: "I don't know who you are. but. YES. PARTIES!" Streamers appear as she says this.
The GM- The pony looks very sad when you sad that "Oh I see....Anyways I'm Minty viscount of socks." She sits next to the table
Lord Enthropy- he notes minty and pinkie with a scornful look
Pinkie_pie: But you wanna be friends?
Minty- "OH YES!"
Schrodingers_Cat: "Socks are almost as vital to the universe as quantum mechanics" *nods*
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Enthopy is a real douch. He doesn't like ponies.))
Pinkie_pie: well duh!
Lucifer- just nods
Balan: "I once had a sock.  Brown leather.  Scabbard, actually."
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((The suit guy knows whats goin on here. Douchbag does not))
Minty- "Everyone has socks, maybe you should check your belongings more often."
The_GM: ((she's not kidding, domain property.))
Pinkie_pie: "really?" pulls out a sock "Huh? Neato!" hugs minty!
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((With this sock, I am death, destroyer of worlds!))
***Schrodingers_Cat Pulls out a set of four socks from a tear in the universe "These socks are both comfty and cozy at the same time"

Melodyyy: Wha. What happened to my music?
The_GM: Music: the music changes to smooth jazz
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((I like jazz, but that aint cool, dadyo.))
Schrodingers_Cat: "Also in accordance with the universal laws, Jazz is not music"
Melodyyy: Why. Why cant I control this.
***Melodyyy collapses
Schrodingers_Cat: But more importantly, FUCK GRAVITY!
Surolam- "There will be order in this courtroom"
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((No really, hijacking the classyness of the area is not cool, cat))
Pinkie_pie: there is order!
Melodyyy: There is no order with jazz
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((If you want order, then get rid of the dickhead over there.))
Pinkie_pie: so anyway I believe we have all been introduced
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Enthropy Insult count:8))

Surolam- "Now then, you may present your initial arguments." she looks towards the group meaningfully
Pinkie_pie: which group?
Schrodingers_Cat: Can I be both prosecution and defence, your honour?
Surolam- "No."
***Melodyyy attempts to stand
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((And now your a dick too))
Schrodingers_Cat: 3=
Melodyyy: "I have no jurisdiction" Melodyyy is shaking
Melodyyy: Cat your mouth is upside down
Pinkie_pie: You might wanna get that fixed
Surolam- "Now your cases, please."
Pinkie_pie: alright
Schrodingers_Cat: "It does that, it's from the cheshire side of my family
Pinkie_pie: Firstly we were gonna show you the magic of friendship!
***BD-RE resumes video
The_GM: the episode finishes up
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((NOOOOO))
Lord Enthropy- "I think that's the best arguement for not doing this i could see."
Schrodingers_Cat: "You have no idea how many times that pony has played that disc now"
Pinkie_pie: thats the power of friendship! 900 thousand 453 times!
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((You have no jurisdiction, asshole. INSULT COUNT: 9))
BD-RE: "This disc has been read 343 times since this media was written upon it"
Pinkie_pie: the last disc melted :(
Schrodingers_Cat: I melted it =3
Pinkie_pie: he did :(
***Pinkie_pie pets the kitty with the force of an atomic bomb
The_GM: the kitty is crushed under pinkies hoof
Melodyyy: This. Isn't.  Not.  Music
Balan: "As you can see, this world would be self-sustaining yet malleable, your pieces of soul would be used well."
Steve- "Your right, It's jazz."
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Fuck you steve, Suited Steve, go kick Steve's ass))
***Schrodingers_Cat Is squished 3=
Lucifer- Lucifer shakes his head at the ceiling
Melodyyy: Steve are you checking out my rack?
Schrodingers_Cat: "Gravity... I hate you so much right now"
***Melodyyy flings herself across the room, Foot outstretched.
Pinkie_pie: I think he's blind!
***Melodyyy the foot slams into his face
Pinkie_pie: oh dear! at least keep the violence within the party
Steve- flies into a wall "What was that for?"
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Random sensless violence always wins courtcases.))
Melodyyy: "I want my music back" Melody is shaking
Pinkie_pie: anyway the universe to be, would be based on friendship!
BD-RE: "I apologise for my friend's actions, it seems they cannot argue properly"
Surolam- "Melody, if you can't be civil you will be removed from the courtroom."
Pinkie_pie: and all kinds of good happy things!
Melodyyy: Whats so civil about war anyway. Jazz is inferior
Pinkie_pie: and creation is like the opposite of what the excruitions do!
Melodyyy: It deserves to be destroyed
Schrodingers_Cat: "War what is it good for, mind taking your hoof off me now?"
Pinkie_pie: so what better way to fight them?
Steve- "Life is the jazz honey." steve gets himself up and dusts himself off
***Melodyyy cringes
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((No jazz is bad))
Melodyyy: Jazz is worthless . Jazz is wrong
Lucifer- "There are many things in this world pinkie pie, not all of them are nice. we must protect all things."
***Pinkie_pie pulls out a party popper and pulls the string!
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Ugh, lucifer, do you support a friendship based universe? Headshake only))
Melodyyy: Everything about jazz deserves to not exist, Sound must have structure
Pinkie_pie: I'm trying to make a point here you crazies
BD-RE: "Another realm in existence is another entity"
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((By the laws of EINSTENIAN PHYSICS it must))
***Pinkie_pie glares at her party
Steve- "You just don't understand the beuaty of jazz honey. Now sit down and enjoy these smooth tunes."
Balan: "Lucifer, to clarify, do you support the existence of the excuitions?"
BD-RE: "To bring things into the multiverse is the ultimate way to despise the excrucians"
Lucifer- "Strictly speaking the excruciations fall outside my estate  of existence, and thus do not exist."
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Oh really))
Pinkie_pie: Exactly the point was trying to make1
Melodyyy: Jazz has no beauty, Jazz is the absense of beauty
Pinkie_pie: wait what?
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((thats a pathetic argument with miss scary witch running around.))
Schrodingers_Cat: "Pony hoof!"
BD-RE: "but it is that very non existence which is the evil we are fighting"
Pinkie_pie: What better way to fight nonexistence then my making more existence?
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((I'm not going to believe in them! AND THEN HE DIES))
BD-RE: "to bring something into existence pushes back nonexistence"
Balan: "On the other hand, it could be that the Excruitions are planning something similar, and are expanding their swarm.  Then would this world not be necessary?"
Melodyyy: Isnt the argument we are trying to make about equestria
Lord Enthropy- "Strictly speaking nothing new will exist, just a diffrent configuration of what we have."
Schrodingers_Cat: "Thats my line!"
Melodyyy: If we bring equestria in surely that means we can protect ourselves better?
Zane- "Can we? What evidence is there for such?"
BD-RE: "Then imagine the flavor of this rea
***Schrodingers_Cat rearranges his atoms to appears as a squished cat above the ponies hoof, as it wasn't being moved anytime soon.
Pinkie_pie: another wall against the on coming horde!
BD-RE: "We are proposing a new cocktail of these ingredients"
Balan: "While I have no concrete proof, Pinkie was... visited by them very recently"
BD-RE: "What could be more delicious than friendship, colour, harmony"
Einstein- "A wall that if it breaks things are lost."
BD-RE: "Why do you think it has washed across humanity so?"
Pinkie_pie: ,but a wall none the less
BD-RE: "The humans are on to something"
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((hey steve, give up the music control I want my good music))
Pinkie_pie: and better to lose little than all!
Melodyyy: Another wall is more structure
***Schrodingers_Cat Rearranges himself into a more unsquished state.
Melodyyy: And structure is always good, Unlike jazz
Schrodingers_Cat: "Technically, the world has always been created"
Melodyyy: Which is, By definition, Shit
Schrodingers_Cat: "It's just the atoms have never been arranged correctly"
Miriam Webster- "But by making this wall we weaken our existing walls."
Melodyyy: Wrong, We can take the material from the Floors
Schrodingers_Cat: "In fact, by denying the formation of this new world, you are directly supporting our most dangerous of foes"
Melodyyy: Metaphorically speaking
Schrodingers_Cat: "Shush you"
Melodyyy: You mean our only foe that isnt jazz?
Zane- "There are no metaphrocial floors in this war."
Schrodingers_Cat: "Well Gravity is a foe, just not a great one, In fact it's a pretty pathetic force really"
Pinkie_pie: taking the essence of the material from those place least likely to be attacked is what I believe the musical magic lady means
Melodyyy: Zane,  If an excrutian attacked would you show mercy?
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Wait, Power of mercy))
Melodyyy: If an excrutian attacked would you show mercy?
Zane- "Mercy is given to all things."
Melodyyy: Surely you cannot argue for our safety?
Schrodingers_Cat: "Traitor!"
Balan: "Now what is to say that our walls are positioned correctly now?  Another imparator died so recently, we attended the funeral."
Schrodingers_Cat: =3
Melodyyy: When you are willing to allow the excrutians mercy how can you even try to pretend that you can actually help us
Balan: "And Pinkie was harmed by the excrutions recently.  Through a vision of Equestria.  It could be that they are trying to invade through that which does not exist, and thus we must make it exist so they may not invade."
Zane- "I will defend mercy against any excrution attack, and i will defend my imperators other estates. It's simply the nature of my estate to extend them mercy in spite of there actions."
Pinkie_pie: Yeah that is true I was visitied
Balan: "What better way for nonexistance to strike?  Through that which does not truly exist."
Miriam Webster- "I think it's clear they were using that as an avenue of attack on pinkie pie directly."
Schrodingers_Cat: Technically none of you truely exist
Balan: "The creation of Equestria would seal off an opening in existance they have found."
Lucifer- he looks up "They do, i can personally confirm it."
Pinkie_pie: How?
BD-RE: "Then let us turn this place into existence, and make it our turf. Make it clear that this battlefield belongs to existence"
Schrodingers_Cat: "Ponies" =3
Pinkie_pie: quiet kitty the sword is trying to talk
Melodyyy: And we will have pretty pretty pretty ponies
BD-RE: "If the excrucians are fighting pinkie through a nonexistent realm, then they have the advantage"
Einstein- "First you have to show it is a battlefield and not a specific weapon against the existing pony."
BD-RE: "If we make it real, we have the realm, we have the battlefiend"
Pinkie_pie: Because I alone and parhaps minty stand as Guard
Melodyyy: Einstein your theory of special relativity is wrong. Ask the cat
BD-RE: "At the minute it is nothing, and that is why the excrucians can use it"
Schrodingers_Cat: "His theory of everything is wrong"
Pinkie_pie: and from the frown on Bloody nails he doens't think we are up to it!
BD-RE: "Make it something, and then we can say whether or not its a weapon, a battlefield, or just one great party"
Lucifer- "Please turn down the sniping, and simply debate your cases."
Schrodingers_Cat: E=MC^2, please
Pinkie_pie: "Quiet kitty or I'll give you a hug" Pinkie Pie approaches Schrodingers hoofs open for a aspect 4 hug
Melodyyy: More like E=MC^2.390345 amirite?
Lord Enthropy- "I think we should just dissmiss the case for melody's little outburst."
Schrodingers_Cat: "I know right, hah this guy didn't have a clue!"
Melodyyy: And that gravitational constant? What a joke!
Schrodingers_Cat: "And don't get me started on relativity"
Melodyyy: Enthropy. That is a seperate matter
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((You still have no say, Lord Enthropy))
Schrodingers_Cat: "Soo Lord Enthropy if that is your real name"
Balan: "Lord Enthropy could you rest well knowing that a foe might have an entrance to our realms that we cannot stop?"
Balan: "Surely you, a cunning warrior, know the value of a good defense."
Pinkie_pie: I couldn't
Melodyyy: Enthropy.I have one question. Can I see your hands
BD-RE: "We have a better chance fighting them on our turf, which is existence, than on theirs, which is nonexistence"
Lord Enthropy- "If i see a real threat coming from it then we can talk." enthropy puts his two hands on the table his left hand covered by an iron gauntlet
Melodyyy: Remove the gauntlet
Lord Enthropy- "No."
Melodyyy: How did you manage it. Getting past all this. You did it didnt you. You killed that imperator. Let, Me, See, Your, Hand.
Lord Enthropy- "How dare you."
Pinkie_pie: this isn't gonna end well
***Balan whispers to Melody.
BD-RE: "We are not just proposing this as a defense. That is merely a bonus. I have also noticed that this particular combination of things in reality is a rather good cocktail"
Schrodingers_Cat: "I can remove his gauntlet from him electron by electron"
Anada- "Melody, cease now. No one here may like lord enthropy, but none either doubt his commitment to the cause of existence."
BD-RE: "That is why it has washed over humanity"
Melodyyy: I doubt it
BD-RE: "Because it is good"
Melodyyy: I shall not cease
Balan: "While I dislike the Lord Enthopy as much as the next, it is unwise to accuse a strategic asset of lordly murder"
Melodyyy: As I know the truth. He is no lord.
***Pinkie_pie steps a good distrance away from melody
Schrodingers_Cat: "I like lord enthopy, he's a nice chap"
BD-RE: "I wish to have this combination in existence as to experience it fully. for this cartoon is just a mere representation of a truth that could well be"
***Schrodingers_Cat shrugs "I guess I got two tails on that flip"
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((so you ARE better than a massive dickhead?))
Melodyyy: Oh also. BUUURN. NOBODY LIKES YOU BITCH. Also dammit turn off this jazz, Its messing with my beat
Lord Enthropy- "I Know."
Pinkie_pie: can we just remove melody and jazz from this courtroom?
Schrodingers_Cat: "Seconded"
Pinkie_pie: please?
Steve- "Lady just learn to groove to the jazz."
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((ITs the best idea yet))
Melodyyy: Its not grooving
Pinkie_pie: with extra sugar and hay on top!
Surolam- "That sounds fair. Melody, Steve please leave by different exits."
Melodyyy: "Gah" Melody leaves
Schrodingers_Cat: "See yah music lady"
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Money on them finding each other and getting into a fight))
Steve- Leaves through another door
Lucifer- Mutters under his breath "twenty bucks on it"
Balan: "Continuing on..."
Balan: "Does the opposition have any arguments as to why this world should not be created?"
Pinkie_pie: yes.I wanna hear minty
Schrodingers_Cat: "Socks"
Einstein- "The potential weakening of our walls, and the flimsy arguments for it?"
Minty- "I'd ummmm...why don't we bring ponyville into existence instead?"
Schrodingers_Cat: Flimsy theories? reminds me of something
Pinkie_pie: Alright I'll argue that
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((A part is not as awesome as a whole, thats why))
Balan: "The walls might be weakened, slightly, though is there evidence that weakening them would allow the Excruitions in?"
Einstein- "Silence cat, science is a process of understanding the world better."
Pinkie_pie: Currently ponyvillle is an unguarded entrance to existences! and entrance they have already used once
BD-RE: "It will not weaken our walls to create a realm, when there is evidence that the excrutians are using it in its nonexistent form to harm one of the nobilis"
BD-RE: "because the nobilis can use nonexistence"
Schrodingers_Cat: "I'm quantum mechanics, without me there is no true understanding of the world"
Miriam Webster- "They had a way to bring an existing thing outside into it, there are many routes of excructiation attack. why is this one so important."
BD-RE: "But existence is out of their reach"
Einstein- "Quantum mechanics is nonsensical and absurd, god does not play dice."
***Pinkie_pie hugs minty for agreeing with her (not an aspect 4 hug)
Balan: "The walls do not seem under pressure anyways, unless I am not informed."
Surolam- "Einstein, cat, behave you can be removed as well."
Pinkie_pie: because they are using it and it is unguarded
Lord Enthropy- Regards pinkie and minty with contempt
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((And everyone argued, late into the night. GO TO HELL ENTHROPY))
Schrodingers_Cat: "I'll behave, science always finds a way"
Lucifer- Mutters under his breath "Oh please i don't want him there."
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Sorry dude, Human perceptions of religion. GO DOWN A BLACK HOLE FOR A WHILE))
BD-RE: "If they can bring existing things in to their nonexistent realm, then make the realm existent. They will not be able to control what goes in or out"
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((The one thing everybody agrees is that Enthropy is mean))
Miriam- "And other realms that don't exist? How many would you have us make?"
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Probably would make joey come back as well))
Schrodingers_Cat: ..."Well to the limits of quantum mechanics"
Pinkie_pie: which have come under definative attack?
Schrodingers_Cat: "All of them"
BD-RE: "this realm is for the protection of Dan, whose soul is intertwined with this pony"
***Melodyyy outside the room, Begins to look for steve
BD-RE: "The pony has a connection with this nonexistent realm"
Schrodingers_Cat: "However this would rip the current worlds apart, I suggest we don't do that one"
Balan: "Though Equestria is only one realm and one wall, it has... bled."
BD-RE: "therefore Dan is connected with the nonexistent realm. The idea of Equestria exists in earth as well, with a human following too."
Miriam- "There are only so many estates, we cannot make all of them."
BD-RE: "If anything, this action will patch up a vulnerability within Dan's form"
Balan: "Creating Equestria might shielf the other realms as well."
Pinkie_pie: Besides isn't Dan proof enough that new imperators can come in?
Zane- "There are countless places that have human followings that don't exist."
Pinkie_pie: Give it time!
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((MOVING ON))
BD-RE: "The estates are made, this is not to do with the estate itself. Something within Dan's form has connected him to this nonexistent realm"
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((random is more good))
Pinkie_pie: think of it this way Lord entrophy
Balan: "An argument not yet borught up, creating Equestria would bolster the estates of harmony, balance, teamwork, friendship, and so forth."
Minty- "You know, she's not the only fictional being enobled. Like me for instance."
Pinkie_pie: Its another place for you to corrupt  
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((THATS NOT IT AT ALL))
Lord Enthropy- "Best argument so far."
Anada- Sighs and rubs his temples
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Well that ain't good))
Balan: "These estates could in turn bolster our support of one another, strengthening us as an army and as a team."
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((What heaven and hell want.....))
Pinkie_pie: well Equestria is a land of love and friendship!
Balan: "While we might not all be friends, we have a common goal of existance and a safe yet powerful infrastructure."
Schrodingers_Cat: "Any further questions from the prosecution?"
Pinkie_pie: and its currently practically the perfect place! We don't even have to lock our doors! No crime or hunger!
Schrodingers_Cat: Or is Enthropy the only one who objects to the electrons to be joined, a utopia brought from the multiverses here.
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((it is pretty utopean like))
Pinkie_pie: Its a practical Utopia! full of love and friend!
The_GM: Lucifer- "You do not need to convince us but them." he looks at the jury
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((YOu do it))
Pinkie_pie: can we talk to the jury? directly?
Schrodingers_Cat: Six angels, Six demons.
Surolam- "The jury is to be silent so that they are harder to influence."
Pinkie_pie: well I guess I need to let the opposition make their case!
Einstein- "Our case is simple, there is no evidence that this offers anyone any benefit."
Pinkie_pie: We've made our case otherwise
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Your case is crap))
Balan: "Then as a closing argument, we have presented evidence that the realms should be rearranged to best support ourselves and existance itself.  The opposition has only provided counter-arguments as to why the walls should not change, but have not provided much evidence as to why they should stay the same."
Pinkie_pie: What kinda perfect world stays the same?
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((If nothing ever changes, it sucks))
Pinkie_pie: It would be so boring
Anada- "Continue pinkie pie"
Pinkie_pie: okie Dokey!
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((CLOPA CLOPA CLOPA, That is the sound of ninty words a minute with HOOVES))
Pinkie_pie: Heaven understands that Beauty can not stay the same all the time
The_GM: Anada and surolam both nod
Pinkie_pie: It need to change and Hell Loves...well Love!
Schrodingers_Cat: "Hell loves all"
Pinkie_pie: and Equestria is full of Love!
Schrodingers_Cat: "Espeically ponies"
Lucifer- "And tolerance."
Pinkie_pie: and Equestria IS LOVE AND TOLERANCE!
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Leave it to a pony to do a swords job))
Lucifer- "I believe we are done, jruy you may make your decision."
The_GM: the jury adjourns. the judges adjourn as well, you are left in the room with the other nobles
***BD-RE plays some jazz on the laptop. "I quite enjoy this media"
Pinkie_pie: soo who wants a victory party!
Miriam- "You haven't won."
Pinkie_pie: so?
Schrodingers_Cat: "We have both won and lost"
Pinkie_pie: if you win. VICTORY PARTY. if we win. VICTORY PARTY.
Pinkie_pie: I can't lose!
The_GM: Minty- "Pinkie throws the best parties!"
Pinkie_pie: Yes! You know it Minty!
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Either way, we all party))
Balan: "A victory party could serve either instance, yes.  Let us party."
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Balan needs to GET DOWN))
Pinkie_pie: PARTY!
Schrodingers_Cat: Hey Pinkie pie
****Pinkie_Pie begins decorating the locust court
Schrodingers_Cat: did you know that in accordance with the multiverse theory, there is a universe somewhere which does nothing but party.
Pinkie_pie: eyup
Miriam- "There's 240 fruits on yggdrasil, thus 240 worlds."
Pinkie_pie: and thats Dan!
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Its called Dan's chancel))
Pinkie_pie: "ooh speaking of dan" whispers dan
Schrodingers_Cat: "Dan doesn't like being dragged out the chancel"
Schrodingers_Cat: "Just hack into it, it's not to hard"
Pinkie_pie: does anypony have a cellphone? I sold mine for crack!
Balan: "I am not a pony, though I might"
***BD-RE starts skype. Here pinkie, use this
Pinkie_pie: okay but you gotta keep this secret!
***Balan produces an iPhone as well
The_GM: ok pinkie contacts dan over skype
***Pinkie_pie takes BD-RE in a corner and calls dan
Balan: "Does Dan even have a cell-phone?"
***Schrodingers_Cat has a working phone produced on a molecular level
Einstein- "Nein bad kitty" the cats miracle stops working
Balan: "And cross world service?  Impressive."
Pinkie_pie: and now to wait for BD to tell Dan
***Pinkie_pie skips merrily back to the two groups!
***Schrodingers_Cat coughs out a micro blackhole to annoy gravity
***Pinkie_pie goes to get Steve and Melody with the power of PARTIES!
BD-RE: "Hey Dan, Lemme put you through to Pinkie via webcam"
***BD-RE shows Pinkie on webcam, with voice"
Pinkie_pie: Hey Dan! you up for a prank?
Dan- "Yes my pink party pony?"
Schrodingers_Cat: "SUP DAN!"
***Pinkie_pie whispers the details to so only dan can hear!
Dan- "Sounds great my pink party pony."
The_GM: the call closes out
***Pinkie_pie is all smiles and giggles
***Pinkie_pie whispers to Melody and Steve((who I went and got earlier)) their parts
The_GM: there outside still arguing
***Pinkie_pie goes outside and using aspect 4 stops there arguement and fills them in on the plan
***BD-RE has my representative hold my webcam
***BD-RE begins storing the image data onto the fact that my persona allows me to store vast amounts of information, as well as the fact I am a 50GB RW disc

The_GM: the jury and judges go back into the room
***Pinkie_pie returns to the building
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((This can't go well.))
***Schrodingers_Cat whispers to Pinkie pie, 5 bits on us winning and 5 bits on us losing
Surolam- She raises an eyebrow at the decorations around her court "After deliberation, we have decided to create the world of equestria. Congrajulations dan's familia you are victorious."
***Pinkie_pie whispers back I'm broke can I borrow 5 bits to bet with a talking cat?
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((ugh))
(6:30:26 PM) Pinkie_pie: Woooo!
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((YAAAAAAY))
Pinkie_pie: VICTORY PARTY!
Minty- "PARTY!"
Schrodingers_Cat: "Yay. You ow me 10 bits"
Balan: "Ahem.  Sorry.  Congradulations, friends."
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((You are bad))

***Pinkie_pie throws a Domain 4 party
Pinkie_pie: Hey Lord Entropy. Join us in PARTY!
BD-RE: "So when wil this new world be ready"
Balan: "I can assure you, lords, that this world will be for the better.  This I gaurantee."
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((DO IT. YOU TOO LUCIFER))
***Melodyyy plays domain 4 music
***Pinkie_pie creates party in Entropy in Entroy!
Lucifer- "About one month BD-RE"
The_GM: so the victory party starts!
The_GM: lots of nobles and imperators at the locust court
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Anywhoo))
The_GM: Lord enthropy is off in a corner being emo
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Get on with making the lord of dickheads smile))
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((You help lucifer))
Pinkie_pie: come on Entropy
Pinkie_pie: Let this party turn that smile upside down!
***Pinkie_pie makes entropy make this smile…
***Schrodingers_Cat Goes to Entropys emo corner "Sup"
***Melodyyy uses a domain miracle to force lord enthropy to be happy
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((that hasn't happened yet))
***BD-RE goes over to the soundsystem "Sup"
The_GM: lord enthropy sucks down a wound to resist partying
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Why are two gigantic White Vertical Bars on my screen?))
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((And blinking as to inform of a temporary status?))
***Pinkie_pie creates party in entropy!
Pinkie_pie: Come on Party!
Pinkie_pie: It will e fuun!
The_GM: enthropy sucks down a wound
Pinkie_pie: Come on
Pinkie_pie: turn that frown upside down
Pinkie_pie: Its a party!
Pinkie_pie: SmilE!
***Pinkie_pie makes entropy smile this smile…
Lord Enthropy- Cannot resist the nobles attacks any longer and gives the largest most sincere smile ever seen
The_GM: The noble of scorn laughs long and hard
Pinkie_pie: Yay laughter! best party ever!
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((I bet it sounds evil as fuck))
***Pinkie_pie grabs minty and begins dancing!
Balan: The whole event seems simultaneously happy and completely terrifying
Pinkie_pie: come on balan. Party!
***Balan PARTIES!
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Holy crap its true. Pinkie finaly has the story of how equestria was TRULY made))
OneWayMST3KSatellite: ((Now replace it with a cutie mark story. Any will do.))
(7:06:01 PM) The_GM: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`

Yep part 3 the trial for equestria.

PS: My players are morons.
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